Campaign Home - Maps - Reference - Mission Info - X-News - Banking - Inventory - NPC InfoJump-6 Map for Empinada / Diaspora Sector

Jump-6 Map for Empinada / Diaspora Sector

11816Ibbia (G) Jump!
11617Diago (F) Jump!
21916Fischeri (G) Jump!
21918Thacker (G) Jump!
21518Dirrath (F) Jump!
21516Shorsinth (F) Jump!
21815Marcus (G) Jump!
21818Sebring (G) Jump!
32015Irit (G) Jump!
32018Flipper (G) Jump!
31415S1415 (F) Jump!
31814Lasester (G) Jump!
31919Barett (G) Jump!
31417S1417 (F) Jump!
31819Tarbing (G) Jump!
31614Skeuoi (F) Jump!
41713Corpus Solar (G) Jump!
42115Treupa Li (G) Jump!
42116Kandom (G) Jump!
42019Beam Down (G) Jump!
41620Test Area 27 (F) Jump!
41914Wangg (G) Jump!
42117Uuuvanu (G) Jump!
41520Beacon (F) Jump!
42118Broken (G) Jump!
41820Rollings (G) Jump!
41419Wachusett (F) Jump!
41613Gilbert (F) Jump!
51219S1219 (F) Jump!
51621Sleep's End (J) Jump!
52216Jujubis (G) Jump!
51521Far Base (J) Jump!
52013Sky Blue (G) Jump!
51216S1216 (F) Jump!
51513Horn of Luder (F) Jump!
52114Naboo (G) Jump!
51821Nix (K) Jump!
51612Erobi (F) Jump!
62314Vlox (G) Jump!
61622Nameser (J) Jump!
61213S1213 (F) Jump!
61912Deux Ex (G) Jump!
61522Tyrala (J) Jump!
61118S1118 (F) Jump!
61313B'naka (F) Jump!
62012Depot 4 (G) Jump!
62317Taritovia (G) Jump!
61117S1117 (F) Jump!
61412S1412 (F) Jump!
61321S1321 (J) Jump!
61512Figget (F) Jump!
62213Rhynacks (G) Jump!
61611Hyarkintal (F) Jump!

Empinada Trade World Information (GURPS Far Trader)

Tradeworld NameJumpWTNBTNRoute TypeCredits/YrDtons/YrDtons/WkDtons/DayPassengers/Yr
Ibbia (G)146.5-5M-10M500-1K10-500-510-50
Diago (F)125-100K-500K10-50000
Fischeri (G)23.56-1M-5M100-5005-1005-10
Thacker (G)22.55-100K-500K10-50000
Dirrath (F)24.57-10M-50M1K-5K50-1005-1050-100
Shorsinth (F)23.56-1M-5M100-5005-1005-10
Marcus (G)24.57-10M-50M1K-5K50-1005-1050-100
Sebring (G)23.56-1M-5M100-5005-1005-10
Irit (G)324-10K-50K0-5000
Flipper (G)34.56.5-5M-10M500-1K10-500-510-50
S1415 (F)35.57.5-50M-100M5K-10K100-50010-50100-500
Lasester (G)313-1K-5K0000
Barett (G)34.56.5-5M-10M500-1K10-500-510-50
S1417 (F)33.55.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
Tarbing (G)346-1M-5M100-5005-1005-10
Skeuoi (F)34.56.5-5M-10M500-1K10-500-510-50
Corpus Solar (G)43.55.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
Treupa Li (G)446-1M-5M100-5005-1005-10
Kandom (G)468Minor100M-500M10K-50K500-1K10-50500-1K
Beam Down (G)42.54.5-50K-100K5-10000
Test Area 27 (F)43.55.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
Wangg (G)457-10M-50M1K-5K50-1005-1050-100
Uuuvanu (G)43.55.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
Beacon (F)446-1M-5M100-5005-10010-50
Broken (G)42.54.5-50K-100K5-10000
Rollings (G)446-1M-5M100-5005-1005-10
Wachusett (F)43.55.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
Gilbert (F)446-1M-5M100-5005-1005-10
S1219 (F)53.55.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
Sleep's End (J)54.56.5-5M-10M500-1K10-500-510-50
Jujubis (G)53.55.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
Far Base (J)535-100K-500K10-50000
Sky Blue (G)546-1M-5M100-5005-1005-10
S1216 (F)557-10M-50M1K-5K50-1005-1050-100
Horn of Luder (F)524-10K-50K0-5000
Naboo (G)53.55.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
Nix (K)52.54.5-50K-100K5-10000
Erobi (F)55.57.5-50M-100M5K-10K100-50010-50100-500
Vlox (G)645.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
Nameser (J)645.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
S1213 (F)645.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
Deux Ex (G)656.5-5M-10M500-1K10-500-510-50
Tyrala (J)65.57-10M-50M1K-5K50-1005-1050-100
S1118 (F)64.56-1M-5M100-5005-1005-10
B'naka (F)645.5-500K-1M50-1000-505-10
Depot 4 (G)634.5-50K-100K5-10000
Taritovia (G)64.56-1M-5M100-5005-1005-10
S1117 (F)63.55-100K-500K10-50000
S1412 (F)645.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
S1321 (J)63.55-100K-500K10-50000
Figget (F)645.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5
Rhynacks (G)634.5-50K-100K5-10000
Hyarkintal (F)645.5-500K-1M50-1000-500-5